Gained with organisations such as Deutsche Bank, The World Bank, WHO, UNICEF, and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, my work has focused on financial and structural innovation surrounding not just such entities individually and in groups, but also as a result of growing interactions with OECD governments and those in Asia and Africa.

I thus have a strong understanding not only of traditional risks and needs of products and services offered, but also of newer ones resulting from an environment of increased digitisation, greater rules and regulations, access to global marketplaces, demonetisation, AI and data protection threats to individual profiles and information such as identity theft.

As more of the global population moves online to work, transact and manage their assets, their exposure to these threats, as well as exposure to the governments, public-sector units such as healthcare providers and FIs has further increased exponentially.

Covid highlighted and accelerated this trend as well as the incidences of identity theft and fraud, something that my clients are factoring heavily in mitigating going forward.

I have gained a reputation for advising governments, international organisations, the UN, private sector firms and development banks such as the World Bank, and DEG (KfW) on complex strategy, sustainable financing instruments and structures (including policy and frameworks required) with a focus on climate (Green & Blue) and health financing.

I have further collaborated on a book on blended finance in Asia that looks at bringing financing from investment banks, development banks, sovereigns and commercial sources together for financing bankable infrastructure projects in real estate and housing, utilities, climate and green/ blue bonds, health sector, Covid economic recovery financing and impact investing.

I continue to advise at the senior level on sustainable financing strategies in various industries from climate mitigation, finance and development to pharmaceuticals and vaccines (having co-authored the sustainable financing strategy for vaccine manufacturing in Africa for instance).

The role of governments, FIs and healthcare providers is now evolving. FIs are providing social and public products, governments private capital and insurance, and healthcare is moving towards stronger PPP models of operation. This is involving the on-boarding, transference and management of “client” data which is being handled through new fintech platforms and access interfaces, both for employees and end-users.

With my understanding of various industries and sectors, I am thus well placed to offer insights and direction to effect secure strategies to ensure their success in this evolution.



I – Structured and Innovative Finance Advisory Assignments

Founder Director – Indus Blue Consulting
Geneva & London, 2017 – To Present

Focus: Developing innovative finance models, approaches and strategy for sustainable development (infrastructure, regional cooperation, SDGs, oceans health) in bilateral, multilateral development agencies, think-tanks, across public and private sectors, Europe, Asia and Africa. Strategies developed focused on mobilising resources for financing SDGs, initiatives that support gender mainstreaming and catalysing inclusive growth across regions, including policy, legal and advocacy elements. Activities further included training internal and external groups on access to finance, converting business ideas to executable plans and mentoring in finance, entrepreneurial activity and business.

Approach: Between 2014 and 2020, I have undertaken both longer-term roles within entities (entity-specific roles &
titles) as in Sections II and III below, and shorter-term assignments as an independent advisor and consultant, noted
here and IV. My independent advisory firm based in London works with associates in Singapore, DC, Geneva & Delhi.



  • Climate Finance Roadmap Strategy
    Developing a generic Financing Roadmap including sovereign climate bonds in the short-term, medium-term proposals for an incentive climate finance mechanism that can spur blue and green activity, and bankable blue projects at sub-sovereign levels (local governments or State-owned enterprises `SOEs`).
  • ‘SDG & Covid Bonds’ & Solidarity Impact Fund – Strategies for SE Asian Sovereigns to attract Impact Investors and achieve economic regeneration and transformation
    Developed an impactful SDG bond structure and an Impact Fund mechanism to capitalise on the current investor interest in Coronabonds. The objective was to design country specific innovative financing instruments for sovereign members of the bank that could aid in financing their Nationally Determined Contributions for different SDGs. The focus was on Poverty (SDG 1), Healthcare (SDG 3), Climate Action (SDG 13), Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure (SDG 9), Gender Equalities (SDG 5) , and Partnerships (SDG17).
    Credit enhancements needed from the development bank in terms of Catalytic First loss protection and guarantees to attract a diversified global investor base were also developed.
  • ‘Blue Financing (SDG 13 & 14) for Pollution Strategy – Accessing Global investors for financing pollution mitigation and alleviation infrastructure projects’ for a multilateral institution Completed a strategy paper to develop policies, innovative mechanisms, instruments, PULL and PUSH initiatives and diverse private and public sources of finance to finance the revenue challenged “blue pollution” sector, with a focus of plastics and sewage pollution in inland waters, lakes, rivers and oceans. Access to Capital market and impact fund investors, and blending financing with foundations and governments together with Credit Enhancements from Multilateral Banks to make projects investable and bankable was the key
  • ‘Catastrophe Bonds & Securitisation Approaches for Post COVID Recovery’ Concept paper
    London 2020Developed inclusive hybrid structure for a possible CAT Bond for achieving SDG 9 and catalysing economic growth, building upon securitisation approaches that could be undertaken by a multilateral institution focused on developing markets; the bond structure aims to incorporate risk mitigating financial instruments from governments and proposes a ‘social return’ to investors with the aim of catalyzing insurance and pension funds to sustainable infrastructure for post COVID recovery strategies. Alternative budgetary plans and revenue generation innovations, alongside policies and frameworks to support investment through Bankable, scalable and adaptable structures to attract capital market cash & ILS investors were also developed.
  • ‘Green Funds for Blue Oceans’ Strategy paper – for CUTS Institute for Regulation and Competition, as
    ‘Senior Advisor’
    Jakarta & London 2017-2019Developing a strategy paper for possible piloting in an already identified Asian government that aims ti use public sector climate funds as a catalyst for bonds that support oceans pollution projects. A ‘blue framework’ is being collated along with the innovative finance fund structure for the proposed bond. The paper is being developed with CUTS Institute, (India and Switzerland and initial discussions are being held in Indonesia and London.
  • ‘Access to Affordable Reproductive Healthcare (SDGs 5 & 10): Finance & Market Entry Strategy’– for
    Concept Foundation as ‘Senior Advisor-Strategy, Fundraising, PPP
    Geneva, 2017-18
    Worked with Concept Foundation from their Geneva office in vision and strategy formulation, in particular with respect to fund raising and innovative financing models, phased market entry/intervention in lowermiddle-income countries (Africa was a particular focus area), partnerships with the global corporate sector. Concept Foundation, founded in 1989, is an international non-profit organization, established in Bangkok, and Geneva, Switzerland and partnered and/or funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, WHO, Packard Foundation, UNFPA, Merck amongst others.

II – Head of Business Strategy & Structured/ Innovative Finance

Foundation for Innovative Diagnostics (FIND)
Geneva, 2018 – 2019

About FIND: FIND (, a World Health Organisation (WHO) collaborative centre, is a global non-profit organization driving innovation in the development and delivery of diagnostics to combat major diseases
affecting the world’s poorest populations, especially from the growing threats of global pandemics, antimicrobial
resistance, and non-communicable diseases, core to the SDGs. FIND operates from its Geneva headquarters with
regional hubs in India, Kenya, South Africa and Viet Nam and has a portfolio of over 70 projects.

Role (Strategy): As head of Strategy, I led strategy review and formulation for the next 5-10 years, business plan
development, business transformation, collaboration with the Board steering group, and led Board presentations and
approvals. Key aspects:

  • Developed 9 business models & 6 Innovative financing models for the financing strategy accepted by Board
  • Fund Creation: Led discussions with European Investment Bank, WHO, Islamic Development Bank on
    structuring and financing a diagnostics fund (AMR fund), to help local manufacturing and services in Africa
  • Defined new markets for entry especially Asian and Africa markets
  • Led partnerships development (EIB, World Bank, private investment funds); policy support for governments
  • Communication strategies to internal and external stakeholders
  • SDG 3 and 17 focused financing and funding options, including policy and green frameworks
  • Budget development for new strategy including efficiency, cost rationalization, revenue diversification
  • Assessing, evaluating and working closely with FIND partners (Global Fund, KFW, Gates Foundation)
  • Development of procurement models, working closely with & advising the Boston Consulting Group (BCG)

III – Lead International Finance Specialist, Public Private Partnerships (PPP), Blended Finance

The World Bank
Tanzania, Dec 2017 to July 2018

Context: The World Bank is implementing a £20m fund (‘Tanzania Sub-Sovereign PPP Project Development Trust Fund’) from Government of UK (DFID) to help Tanzanian local governments prepare a range of public-private partnerships (PPPs) projects. The fund supports over 22 initial project feasibility studies from 8 LGAs.

Role: To help coordinate a large team of PPP experts and advise World Bank and Tanzania create practical PPP structures, based on my European investment banking and PPP experience (especially Indian PPPs):

  • PPP Strategy – preparation including for municipal and national levels across all infrastructure sectors;
  • Viability Gap Mechanisms – development (standard and innovative – guarantee VGFs);
  • Blended Finance Mechanisms – development, working with WB, Government, Private Sector and foundations
  • SDG Indicators and PPP Tools – development including toolkits, checklists, guidelines, bid documents
  • Capacity building programmes – development, including running trainings
  • Policy Enabling Environment –development including PPP laws, regulations, communication strategies
  • Monitoring and evaluation – on policy, systems and projects

IV – Structured and Innovative Finance Advisory Assignments

Senior Advisor: Infrastructure Finance & PPPs- Indus Blue Consulting
Geneva & London, 2014 – 2017

Focus: Developing innovative finance models, approaches and strategy for sustainable development (infrastructure,
regional cooperation, SDGs, oceans health) in bilateral & multilateral development agencies and think-tanks across public and private sectors; Europe, Asia and Africa.


  • ‘Blended Finance Approaches for Affordable Pharmaceuticals in Africa’ – Advised GIZ Germany on strategy and leveraged finance mechanisms formulation for localization of pharmaceuticals manufacture in Africa
    London 2017
  • PPP (Public Private Partnerships) for Elderly Care in China and Smart Cities in India – Advised on PPP
    for elderly healthcare facilities in Yichang province China; and Government India on PPP, capital markets, pooled fund approaches for developing 100 smart cities
    Beijing & Delhi 2016
  • Innovative Finance Mechanisms for Fund Raising – Advised WHO (World Health Organisation), DNDi,
    GARD (MSF) on 3 separate assignments on fund raising using innovative finance mechanisms. All 3 entities need this to better leverage resources and meet sustainable healthcare needs in developing countries especially Africa. Main tasks: a) development of innovative financing mechanisms (Social Impact Bonds, securitization, Structured Funds, Performance Linked notes), b) strategy and landscape assessment for healthcare (AMR) initiatives linked to funding strategies, c) stakeholder capacity building on finance mechanisms, d) identification of sources of funding (corporates, multilaterals, CSR, foundations, VC funds).
    London 2017
  • ‘Catalysing Green Finance’ – Peer review contribution on securitization and capital markets structures for green fund mechanisms in the creation of ADB’s first concept and knowledge product on green finance
    London 2016 (
  • Smart City, Renewable Energy (SDG 7) and Health Sector Financing Strategy – Advised UNECE, UNIDO, WHO and African Union Commission on funds and mechanisms, PPP modalities, market feasibilities, collaboration strategies (SEforALL, Clean Energy Financing Partnership Facility (CEFPF), Climate Change Fund (CCF), Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, and Climate Change (REACH)
    Geneva 2015

V – Deputy Director Resource Mobilisation & Head of Asia-Pacific

Geneva, 2012 – 2014

About GAVI: The world’s leading alliance for healthcare for children, GAVI is a PPP supported by WHO, UNICEF, World Bank, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, governments, and pharmaceutical industry. GAVI has helped vaccinate more than 760 million children preventing more than 13 million deaths ( and
catalyzed $150 billion in economic benefits for countries impacted.

Role: As part of the senior management of GAVI, my main responsibilities included:

  • Fundraising: with global development agencies and new donors from private sector & foundations to meet the $8bn GAVI spend; brought Indian government in as a donor in 3 months, $4m grant; led Islamic financing proposal in Malaysia & Indonesia; funds raising from the 2% mandatory CSR in India;
  • Innovative Finance Mechanisms: designed to access global funds;
  • Private Sector, Donors and Foundations’ Management and Outreach: 21 global donors managed; outreach included to Tatas, Alstom, Wilh. Wilhemsen, KLM, BMGF, PPP (IDRF), WASH Alliance (GIWA), Lions Club, parliamentarians, WHO, World Bank, Gates Foundation, UNICEF, UN permanent missions in Geneva;
  • Country Advisory: Led WHO-GAVI Evaluation and advisory to Government Bhutan to make their healthcare trust fund self-sustaining for 20 years; advised WHO group on private sector and philanthropic fund raising;

VI – Director, Structured Finance, Capital Markets, Alternative Asses, Funds, Risk Distribution

NORDDEUTSCHE LANDESBANK (Development & Investment Bank)
Hannover and London, 2009-2010

  • Structured: KG/ alternate asset/ energy Funds for multiple asset classes. Raised capital market funds of Eur 250m.
  • Advised on 3 mezzanine funds Luxembourg/ emerging market Funds circa Eur 5bn principal.
  • Developed & advised directors on power, infrastructure, hybrid funds & Asia Strategy.
  • Exit strategies for B/S risk trades; structured and executed client and investor driven Funds (Infrastructure Debt Fund).
  • Risk Management and lead transaction negotiation, corporate fund raising, headed legal project team.
  • Advised on CSR sustainable platform for funding renewable energy, non-financial attributes & social good-will.

VII – Senior Structurer (Structured finance) & Head Longevity Desk (Social Impact & Alternative investment Funds)

London, 2004 – 2009

  • Management: 30 senior staff & Eur 700m portfolio; structured advisory for impact & performance-linked/ Green Funds.
  • Business Development: advised clients, financial institutions group, treasury & headed new markets/ products group.
  • Life Insurance sector projects: established bank’s US & German Life settlement, UK TEPs platform – Eur 200m.
  • Infrastructure financing: PPP advisory/ & execution; China Citic securitisation; Indonesia; Brazilian “Precatorios”; Russian mortgages/ PE Fund; Turkish bonds.
  • Board Director of several companies & Funds, in multiple off/on shore jurisdictions.

Nov 2001 – Sept 2002:

Sabbatical due to family tragedy that resulted in the death of 5 family members

VIII – Vice President, European Securitization Group

London, 2000 – 2001

  • Asset Backed Commercial Paper desk: Eur 10 bn funds raised annually from capital markets globally for Rheinmain,
    Rheingold & Bills Securitization.
  • Structured innovative securitizations: Wastewater treatment plant project utilizing domestic tax receivables in Germany.
  • Management of the Pan-European London team, training of back & front office staff of a mainly German speaking business. Asset Classes: Trade, Lease, Mortgage & Service Receivables; pan-European global.

IX – Associate – Trade Finance Trading & Origination – Asia Forfaiting Team


London, 1996-1999

  • SME Projects, Agribusiness, Real Estate, Project Finance, Treasury / Money Markets Projects; greenfield forfaiting